
UPDATE:  Bluebeam has released a patch that resolves this issue (release notesFAQ).

Bluebeam Revu 2017 is incompatible with ElumTools (all versions) and Licaso (all versions).

Bluebeam Revu 2017 installs third party assemblies (DLLs) in the Microsoft.NET Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

This breaks other applications and reintroduces "DLL Hell" by forcing other applications (like ElumTools and Licaso) to use incompatible (global) versions of third party assemblies rather than the locally installed versions for each software installation.

This is not the first issue that has been caused by Bluebeam Revu.


UPDATE:  Bluebeam has released a patch that resolves this issue (release notesFAQ).  To fix, please install this patch.

  1. Uninstall Bluebeam Revu 2017
  2. Install a previous (compatible) version if desired.
  3. Contact Bluebeam and ask them to fix this issue.


Bluebeam Revu installs incompatible versions of the OpenTK assemblies in the GAC.

ElumTools -- An error occurs anytime a 3D graphics window is shown in an ElumTools dialog.

  • Luminaire Manager
  • Add/Edit Calc points
  • Calculation Viewer

Licaso -- An error occurs anytime a 3D graphics window is shown.

  • Rendering Views -- Since a rendering view is always shown, Licaso is unusable.

Error Message

Error Drawing...


System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GL.Begin(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)'.

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.Renderer.InitializeSurfaceFillsDisplayList(EntityDrawInfo info, Boolean applyTextures, List`1 positions, List`1 textureCoordinates, List`1 colors, List`1 indices)

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.Renderer.InitializeSurfaceFills(EntityDrawInfo info, IEnumerable`1 surfaces, Boolean applyTextures)

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.Renderer.InitializeSurfaces()

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.Renderer.InitializeGeometry()

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.Renderer.Initialize()

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.Renderer.Draw(Transform3 modelViewProjection, Viewport viewport, Viewpoint viewpoint)

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.ViewRenderer.Draw(Vector2 jitter)

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.ViewRenderer.DrawAntiAliasLegacyAccumulationBuffer()

at Lai.Graphics.OpenGL.ViewRenderer.Draw()


6794 [2017-02-03 11:29 (-07:00 UTC)]
