There are a number of unique calculations associated with each international roadway standard (North American IES-RP-8-2000, British BSEN 13201-3.2003, European CIE-140-2000, Australian AS1158.2-2005 and New Zealand NZ1158.2-2005). Consider that any software tool must compute a multitude of metrics such as: Illuminance, Pavement Luminance, Veiling Luminance, Visibility Level, Surround Illuminance, Background Luminance, and more for each specific roadway section to be analyzed. Each international standard stipulates similar but different calculations and parameters can vary dramatically.

At Lighting Analysts, we believe we may be the only people that have ever tried to support all of the popular international roadway standards giving us a unique perspective when constructing our new roadway calculation engine. Placing all of the standard calculations in a single software tool begged for underlying code that could handle variations in calculation specifics such that each standard could simply modify a few variables and utilize the same engine. We are proud to have achieved this goal, but perhaps more importantly, we arrived at a landmark decision in the process: Why not allow individual calculation choices and parameters to be modified on the user level such that an educated party could feasibly construct a completely new standard by mixing calculations from all standards and adjusting specifics? Imagine including the British Semi-cylindrical Illuminance calculation with pavement Luminance calculations from the IES method! How about adjusting the observer position or the grid of calculation points? It can all be done. User modifications can be saved as a custom standard and reused as required in place of published standards.

Steps to define a custom standard (refer to image below)

  1. Select the Create button and provide a name for the standard
  2. Click the Configure button and select Calculation Metrics to include in the custom standard
  3. Adjust each metric specifics as necessary by selecting the metric on the left side and editing specifics on the right