These instructions are for new implementations of Luxiflux tools.

If you are migrating from Flash Indoor to Luxiflux Zonal, follow the instructions for migrating from Flash Indoor instead.

In this step you will:

  • Create a URL to launch a Luxiflux tool.
  • Create a web API.
    • On your website
    • Which can be called by the Luxiflux tool
    • Which returns input to initialize the tool
  • Test it.

Step 2.1    Create an Input Web API URL

You need to create a web API on your website.

Decide what the URL for the API will be.


Step 2.2    Build a URL to Launch the Luxiflux Tool

Build a URL that launches the Luxiflux tool.


Luxiflux Zonal

Luxiflux Area

The URL consists of the following parts (they are case sensitive):

https://{version}-{name}-tools.luxiflux.comRequiredThe URL for the Luxiflux tool website.
AuthenticationUrlRequiredYou should have an authentication web API and its associated URL after completing the authentication step of these instructions.
RequiredThe input mode (format) returned by the InputURL.
The value should be set to: JSON
InputUrlRequiredThe absolute URL that returns the input JSON data.

This should be a URL to a web API that generates and returns JSON as an HTTPS response.

In rare cases this might be a URL to an JSON file on a server (i.e. for testing).
InstanceKeyOptionalYou can specify a custom InstanceKey which is passed (in an HTTPS POST request) to the InputURL.  You can then use this Instance Key to modify the response of your Input Web API.

If the Instance Key is generic (always the same) each time the tool is launched, it can be omitted.

Step 2.3   Strategy

Chances are that you want to launch the Luxiflux tool:

  • From different places on your website.
  • With different inputs depending on the context.

There are two ways to do this. 

Strategy A    Multiple Input URLs

When you want to launch a Luxiflux tool with different inputs you can create multiple Input Web APIs.



Strategy B    Multiple Instance Keys

If you include the InstanceKey parameter in the launch URL, it is passed through to your web API.  You can then use it to determine how to dynamically change the output of your API.



Strategy C    Combined

You can also combine both strategies.  

You can create multiple APIs for the InputUrl parameter while also providing different values for the InstanceKey parameter.

Other Considerations

You should consider how your website (and your website data/content) is organized, how often you intend to update your website, who needs to perform the updates, and the protocols and workflows required.

Step 2.4    Examine the Luxiflux Tool Input Data

Please reference the following links:

ToolInput ExamplesInput Comments
An example of the JSON response that must be returned by your Input Web API.

The JSON data returned by your Input Web API is used as input to initialize the Luxiflux tool.

Contains comments and documentation for each item in the JSON data.
Luxiflux ZonalInput Example
Launch DemoInput Comments
Luxiflux AreaInput Example
Input Example -- Parking
Input Example -- Wallpack
Input Example -- Bollard
Input Example -- Template
Input Example -- Metric
Input Example -- Custom Commands
Launch Demo
Launch Demo -- Parking
Launch Demo -- Wallpack
Launch Demo -- Bollard
Launch Demo -- Template
Launch Demo -- Metric
Launch Demo -- Custom Commands
Input Comments

When the Luxiflux tool is launched it will send an HTTPS web request to the web API specified in the InputUrl.

The web API should return valid JSON data for the tool (see the examples in the table above).

If you include the InstanceKey parameter:

The tool will make a POST request to your web API with the following JSON data.

"InstanceKey": "AnyInstanceKey"


The tool will make a GET request to your web API.

Step 2.5    Decide on Static and Dynamic Input Data

The JSON data your web API provides can be divided into two categories.

  • Static -- Data that is the same every time the tool is launched.
    • Typically includes logos, colors, units, etc.
  • Dynamic -- Data that changes every time the tool is launched. 
    • Typically includes photometry, etc.

You need to decide which portions of the JSON data will be static and dynamic in your case.

This can help you determine which strategy you employ when integrating the tool into your website.

Your web API needs to combine the static and dynamic portions of the data and provide the resulting JSON data as input to the tool.