Looking for Information on how to Renew?

Please visit our Subscription Renewal FAQ for instructions. 

How to Activate a Subscription (New or Renewal)

Start the software. The dialog shown below will appear. Click on the "Activate Subscription" button.

The second dialog will appear prompting for information (below). Follow the steps below.

  1. Enter your email address. This should be the email address used in your account which was established when you purchased. This must be an active address as the process will verify its authenticity.
  2. If this is the first time you have seen this dialog, enter your LAI User Number (provided on purchase via email). If you are already familiar with the process you can also use your account password or your Activation Code.
  3. Enter your name. This helps with recording keeping. 
  4. Enter a name for your computer. For example: "Dave desktop". Again, this will help you keep your activation's organized. 
  5. Submit the information.

Once you have submitted your request, the following dialog appears. The license system wants to verify your email address. 

Check your email and look for a message from "info@agi32.com" with the subject "AGi32 Email Verification".

Open the email and click the "Verify" button. The body of the email is shown below.


The verification will quickly be passed to the license server and you will see a thank you message with Lighting Analysts logo open in your browser as shown below. 

Your Subscription is now activated! Your expiration will show on the License Status line (below). You can close the License Manager and proceed with the software.