New Subscription Versions

The instructions below pertain to Subscription versions of our software which include the following:

AGi32 versions >= 19.1 

Elumtools versions >= 2019.1, 2018.6, 2017.9, 2016.13

Photometric Toolbox >= 2.1

Licaso >= 1.4

The license log files can be found in the following folder:

  C:\ProgramData\Lighting Analysts\Subscription\Log

The above folder may be hidden so you may need to "unhide" hidden folders from your Windows Explorer Options dialog.

The files to send to Lighting Analysts will be one of the following depending on the software you are using:







Legacy Versions

The instructions below pertain to legacy versions of our software which include the following:

AGi32 versions <= 18.3 

Elumtools versions <= 2018.5, 2017.8, 2016.12, 2015.x, 2014.x, 2013.x, 2012.x

Photometric Toolbox <= 1.93

Licaso <= 1.3

In the event of a license failure we sometimes request the license log files. Here is the procedure:

  1. Open up the Windows Start menu.
  2. Locate Lighting Analysts section.
  3. Select LAIILM-SendLog

A number of log files will be created on your desktop. The filenames and number of files will depend on the number of LAI products you have installed. 

4. Drag these ALL of these files into an email and send to