
Unable to access Render Mode or Help-About (RTE #53 - File not found) or import/export CAD files (Error opening DWG host application). This problem occurs if the Windows environment parameter PATH does not point to necessary AGi32 folders.


Reboot your computer! During setup, the PATH is modified to point the necessary AGi32 folders. However, this change sometimes does not take affect until the computer is rebooted.

More Information:

It may be necessary to manually update the PATH environment variable in some cases  (or move EosDWG path to begiining of string) and, in some cases, add the PATH as a user specific environment variable. 

To Edit path variable (Windows 10)

  1. Go to Windows Control Panel
  2. Select System link
  3. Select Advanced System Settings 
  4. Select Environment Variables
  5. Under "System variables" locate the "path" variable
  6. Click Edit
  7. Locate the variable shown below, if it does not exist, click New and add

Please contact Lighting Analysts if you require assistance.

Applies To:

AGI32 >=v2.10


quicktrip 22-JUN-13