Using the Smart Filename String

Photometric Power Tools can automatically rename your files by constructing a "Smart Filename String" in System Settings. You can then apply these new filenames when using the Factor Files or Keywords, Data and Calculated Metrics sections of the software as shown below. You can apply to only the selected file, to all Clones or to All Files using the right click menu in the filename fields. 

In Factor Files:

In Keywords, Data and Calculated Metrics:


Smart Filenames can draw from your keywords, text of your liking, certain content from the IES file (Selectable File Data) and the calculated metrics available in Photometric Power Tools. 

  • Keywords must be enclosed in square brackets and must exist in the files to be renamed. For example: [LUMCAT]
  • Selectable File Data and Calculated Metrics must be enclosed in "Braces" (uppercase square bracket): { }. For example: {UWLR}
  • Avoid illegal characters: \ / : * ? “ < > |


Given the following:

Smart Filename String: XYZ-[LUMCAT]

Filename: XYZ-HLN-2-LED-32L-30.ies


Smart Filename String: XYZ-[LUMCAT]-{Watts}-[SEARCH_COLORTEMP]K-{IES Class}

Filename: XYZ-HLN-2-LED-32L-30-310-3000K-Type II.ies


  • Check for duplicate filenames is performed when applying changes (duplicate filenames would write over each other)
  • Check for valid filename is not performed until the files are saved
  • Smart Filename is based on the current values in the loaded file, NOT on the pending or unsaved changes! For example - If you change [LUMCAT} and Apply Smart Filename = [LUMCAT], filename will be set to the current [LUMCAT] description in the file, not the new unsaved [LUMCAT] description. In order to use the new [LUMCAT] description, Apply Changes (to update file) and then Apply Smart Filename